It is considerably more difficult to recognize it in oneself. So here are a few examples to help with self awareness:
You might be a geek if you have owned (or perhaps still do!) every single Apple product ever sold. Every. Single. One. Taking the brand to cult-like status. Even own black mock turtlenecks...You know who you are. Yes, I'm talking to YOU. Just sayin'.
You might be a geek if you purchase items from ThinkGeek. I personally love this online store and own some of their products.... Like Smart Mass Thinking Putty (like Silly Putty but cooler),
and Flying Monkey Balls (I think they changed the product name, but this was the name when I purchased them),
and the bestest thing ever... the Slanket. My bro turned me onto them and they are way better than the Snuggie. Warmer, bigger, more couch potato. Yup. Geek.
OK, so you might be a geek if you spend hours researching a camera bag. The. Perfect. Bag. With the goal that it doesn't obviously look like a camera bag. It arrives in the mail, it is loaded with camera gear, and slung over the shoulder. You show it to the 'wife unit' and announce, "Hey isn't this cool? It doesn't look like a camera bag." OMG, you're right it doesn't look like a camera bag> It looks like an airline approved carry-on bag hanging against your hip. All it's missing are wheels and a retractable handle. And that messenger bag strap doesn't make it cool. Yup. Definitely a geek.
But here's some geekiness that snuck up on me. Yes me!
My birthday is approaching and I asked for a yarn swift and yarn winder. So, the Sweetie, looking at me like I was hooked on prescription drugs, said OK and ordered them for me. See how nice he is? Even after I dissed him about the camera bag!
Recently, the doorbell rang and it had arrived!! And the Sweetie allowed me to open it early. I am such a lucky girl! So the yarn swift is the gadget at the yarn store that you put the skein of yarn on, the yarn winder takes yarn from the swift and makes a ball.
Doesn't everyone have a whirligig thingy attached to their dining room table? What?! You don't?
It was a blast! It sure beats winding balls of yarn by hand. Yeah, so, um, I might be a geek.
And where's there's yarn, there's Max, one of my Unusually Helpful Helpers, With yarn hanging from his ear. He's a geek too.