
Hi.  My name is Kitty

I grew up in the Midwest - mostly.  California, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Iowa again.

I went to a liberal art college in the Midwest.  I graduated with a degree in Fine Art with a concentration in biology.  Right brain?  Left brain?  What brain?

Moved to Seattle to be with a young man after college.  Me and the guy parted ways not long after I arrived, but me and Seattle stuck together.  For me there is something about the Northwest that's a good fit.  It feels like home.

I needed to put a roof over my head and eat.  A degree in fine art wasn't going to do that.  I have worked in Insurance and Financial Services since college. 

I met the Sweetie on an airplane a long time ago.  The only thing I have done longer than hang out with him, is breath in and out.  Breathing and hanging together - both are good things.

Not long after Sweetie and I go hitched, but long enough, the Kidlet came along.  He is now in college.

We have a house in town, two cats; Jumpin' Jupiter and Mad Max, and a garden. 

I had always promised myself that someday I would get back into the arts.  Either go back to school or something else.  My plan was once the Kidlet went to college I would make my big move. 

That time has come.  Whoo Hoo!!!  While I don't get to walk away from a day job, I am sneaking in more and more arty stuff.  I can't believe how much fun I am having.  Seriously.  This is a gas.  I can't hardly believe how much fun this is.  Oops, I said that already.

I hope you come along for the journey.