Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hiya - Finished Quilt!

I began this quilt ages ago.... last March.

The top went together very quickly.  A couple of charm packs and some muslin.  I like working with muslin.

And then I was stuck.  It didn't speak to me.  I don't know if it was the fabric, the layout, or what.

So it sat.  And sat.  And sat.

I bought some fabric for a border.  Pieced it and sewed on one side.  Didn't like it so off it came.

And it sat some more.

Then an idea struck.  Completely different than the front.  The more I worked on it the more I liked it!

Time to quilt.  A simple diamond shape grid.... It was so-so.

More rows of quilting were added.  And I really liked it.  I hope you do too!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Back from the Dead

Sounds a bit extreme.  But I haven't vanished.  It just seemed like things got in the way.

Travel for work. Phoenix. Anchorage.  Chicago. Madison. Los Angeles. San Francisco. Palo Alto. Washington, D.C.

Kidlet came home.  A couple times, I think.

Soccer games.  I caught another goal on camera so now I think I'm 'all that and a bucket of chicken'.

Saw Loretta Bennett of Gees Bend speak at an exhibition of her work at a local gallery.  That was a real treat.

Busy working on projects, I just haven't had a moment to chat about them.

There are 2 finished quilts.  Yes, 2.  And another I started this weekend that I am super excited about

A little penny rug thingy.

A sweater I am stuck on, so it has been banished to the bottom of the works in progress pile.  I need to rip out the sleeve for a third time.  Banished, I tell you!

One wrist warmer.  Really.  Orphaned.  I like the pattern but it turned out much smaller than anticipated.  I even worked up a gauge swatch first!  I need to find someone who is very skinny then I will complete the second.

Another sweater in progress. 

And ideas and drawings for about 500 hundred more projects. 

We have had a cool, wet spring and early summer... unlike the rest of the country.  We complained about it bitterly.  It seemed like temperatures were stuck in the 50's and low 60's for months.  The upside (because there is usually an upside) is my garden is gorgeous.  So many flowers.  So full and green.  I can hardly believe it.  So many weeds... because they like rainy and damp too.

I need an extra week in my week just to work on projects.  Nice problem to have.  Life is gooood.