Friday, April 15, 2011

Chair Covers - Part 4

This never fails.  I have a plan.  Let's call it Plan A.  And in my mind it's wonderful - sometimes for a few minutes, even sometimes for a couple of days.  Then there's a new thought that creeps in and before you know it, there's Plan B.  I love Plan B.  It's better than Plan A.  And then another thought or suggestion creeps in... and you can see where this is going, right?

I am still working on seat covers for the dining room chairs, but the plan seems to have changed a tiny bit.  Here's the first image (which is right in line with my original sketch).

Then the Sweetie says, "Are you goin' to make them all the same?" 

"Sure.  This is what I sketched out, remember?  It's mimicking the wallpaper. Remember?"  Little did I know that the Plan B seed had been planted.  Sneaky little bugger.

I began to lay out the leaves for the second seat cover... and I start to think, "It might be boring to work on this project if all of them are the same."  Whammo!  Plan B!

Plan B was all sandwiched together and I begin the third.   "Hmm, should I do two patterns or three?    I have two different chair styles so two patterns would work.  Or... I have six chairs.  There could be two of each if I do three patterns."  KaPow!!  Plan C!

Now you know that can't be the end of the story.

Plan D.  Bamm!

Plan E.  Zammo!  (I have no idea why Blogger has decided this image should be Portrait rather than Landscape.)

Plan F.  Crash!

I may need a cocktail when I finish quilting Plan F.  This one certainly has more twiddly, fiddly little pieces than the others.  And none of the pieces connect.  Heck, I might need one just for cutting out all of those twiddly, fiddly pieces.

Now should anyone ask why I have six different chair covers I will reply, with my readers low on my nose, "I decided to explore the pattern possibilities using a simple shape and two colors.  They are simple repeats, based on the original idea of 'wallpaper'."   Gah!  What a snob! 

But we will all know the true answer is has more to do with the power of suggestion, a short attention span, and boredom with Plan A.

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