Saturday, April 30, 2011

This and That

It's Saturday.  A day when one has more options than during the work week.  The schedule, if there is one, is a little more relaxed.  For some reason, today, there are too many choices rattling around in my head and I haven't settled on a single one.  So far, all I have managed to do is pick up the dry cleaning. 

This morning when I was eating breakfast I noticed a couple of Blue Jays.  First there were two, then four, then five.  There may have been six, but he may have been  hiding just out of my view.  They were so pretty.  Their colors flashing in the light and their peaked hats.  And just as quickly as they arrived, they were gone again.

I finally took some pictures of the two most recent chair covers.  I think they turned out nicely.  These two chairs are a little smaller than the four around the table, so the covers are a little large.  I decided to make them all the same size anyway.  I can throw them on any chair after washing and not worry about whether they are on the 'correct' chair. 

The Unusually Helpful Helpers have discovered these.  One chair sits in a Southwest corner which picks up the afternoon sun - when it decides to come out.  They have determined this is a great spot for a little siesta.  Which means I needed to get out the lint roller before I took pictures this morning.

I used a water soluble marker to line up the patterns for these.  I got the biggest kick out of spritzing them with water and watching the marker disappear.  It was a blast. 

"Look Sweetie!  Disappearing ink!  Isn't that just the coolest thing ever?!" 

The Sweetie seemed amused but not nearly as excited as I was and gave me one of those worried looks.  You know, the one that looks concerned about ones mental state.  I don't care.  It was cool and I had great fun with the water bottle.  It doesn't appear to take much to amuse me.

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