Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Irish Lace Pincushion - Finished!

Whew!  I just finished this project this morning - finished hooking the edging, stitched it on, and wove in the last  few ends.  I pressed the edging which really helped.  Showed it off to the Sweetie, of course.  ...and borrowed his camera to snap some pics.

His camera, a pocket sized point & shoot, takes much better close ups than mine.  A new macro lens is on order and I can hardly wait for it to arrive.  It  should be here any day!!  Another chance to play around and try something new.

Now, I should warn you about one thing...

Yup.  It's round.  I tried to make it square, like the pattern, but it apparently was not meant to be.  I had the linen cut out  and stitched together, but it just didn't fit.  I still think it's pretty cute. 

Actually, I think it's super cute!  I can hardly believe I made it!

There's a saying that goes something like this:  Life is about the journey, not the destination.  I am a destination person.  I can't tell you how many times I nearly frogged this project.  I am glad I stuck with it.  It might not have been what I had in mind originally, but it still had a very nice end result.

I need to finish up the tutorial.  There are a few pointers I should pass along.  Like, crochet the edging after you stitch the piece to the linen.  On my first go at the edging - following the pattern instructions - turned out to be much, much too large.  When I re-did the edging afterward, I came much closer to the correct size and could have saved myself a ton of time. 

Oh well. Lessons learned from the school of hard knocks are often lessons best learned. 

I also walk away from this project with a new found respect for my great grandmas who made a ton of this sort of thing!


  1. Kitty, I am so happy to see your blog. I'm delighted with your projects and your writing. Love getting to know this side of you. As for this pin cushion, it is utterly charming and a very impressive accomplishment! How did our grandmothers (and mothers, in my case) do it? Amazing.

  2. Guess I should tell you that "Nan" is your nearest neighbor at work :-)

  3. Hi Nan! I was wondering... my sister in-law is also named Nan! Thank you for your kind remarks!
