Thursday, February 17, 2011


My latest quilt is pinned and ready to be stitched together.  This weekend most likely.

Blah, blah, blah.  Why should you, gentle reader, care?  Because the process of making the quilt sandwich requires taking allergy medicine.


Well, the only space large enough to spread out a quilt in our house is on the floor.  Either in the Sweetie's office or in the living room.  I had contemplated the Sweetie's office but I am afraid I am wearing out my welcome in that area.

I've been asking 'does this outfit make my butt look big?' questions.  In quilt speak, of course.  I would never really  ask if my butt were too big.

"What do you think of these colors?" 

"Isn't this block cute?"

"Can you hold this corner, please?" 

"Can you hold this end of the steel tape, please?"

"How come I can't get the color purple to register correctly on my photos?"

So you can see how my recent activities might be testing his patience a wee bit.  Then, taking over his office floor for a couple of hours, or longer, if I get distracted...  It just seemed like that might push him over the edge.  Not a good plan.

Plan B: the living room floor.   Hmmm.  It could really use some vacuuming.  Especially before I lay down my soon-to-be masterpiece.

We are not Shoes In The House people.  But between the Unusually Helpful Helpers, thread, yarn bits, a house that's been closed up tight for the winter, and gray days, the dust bunnies have become the size of wharf rats.  Living in a coastal city, for those of you who might not know, wharf rats can be the size of a small raccoon.  They can scare the living daylights out of a person.  I'm surprised our dust bunnies haven't started to nip at our heels - they are that big.  Really.

Vacuuming is a necessary evil to me.  Unlike laundry, which I tackle with fervent regularity, vacuuming just doesn't have the same appeal.  Sorry, I know there are some crazed vacuumers out there -  and you are cringing in horror and disgust as you read this.  I am just not one of them.  I've tried... and failed  Besides, you have piles and piles of laundry and I don't.  So there. 

Besides, vacuuming requires moving furniture.  Furniture wrasseling.  It should be an Olympic sport.  Then, after the floor looks clean I realize the cushions on the chairs and sofa could use a good once over.  I have to lift the cushions only to discover, loose change, popcorn and cat toys.  I claim the loose change as mine but the rest?  Yuck.  Gosh, maybe I should vacuum the top of the pictures on the walls. And what about the cobwebs in the corner. I could just touch up the curtains....  Before you know it I have vacuumed for something like two hours and have kicked up enough dust that I'll have to dust... don't get me going on that one.

Dust.  Aah Chooo!! See how that comes around to allergy medicine. You knew eventually I'd get there.

So today, I vacuumed.  And somehow, I managed to limit the task to only the floor.   It took great restraint I might add. Which means I will have to tackle everything else on another day. 

Maybe I can wait until the dust bunnies are nipping at our heels again and asking when dinner's going to be ready. 

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